New Town News - News

There was much glitz and glamor to be had at the seventh annual Honoring the Fight event at the Northern Lights Wellness Center. But the fundraising benefit itself represented health issues much more serious.

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Things are changing in the North Segment of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and Tribal Businsess Council representative Dr. Monica Mayer thinks they are changing for the better.

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April 20, 2017

Where did the snow go?

It might be hard to remember, but for about six weeks after Thanksgiving, it looked like it was going to a winter for the record books with more than four feet of snow covering towns, farms, and pastures.

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It is likely Red Sanderson’s name is familiar to nearly anyone who hears it in New Town. Sanderson has been around the community for a long time.

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Packing heat could be the new motto of residents across the state. A new law signed by Gov. Doug Burgum lets citizens carry a concealed weapon if they meet the eligibility requirements for a Class 2 concealed weapons’ license and have possessed a valid North Dakota driver’s license or ID card for at least a year.

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Most of the Bakken saw double digit declines in sales and purchases according to information released by the North Dakota Tax Department.

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The New Town School Board is considering adoption of a policy to guide administrators and staff on how to respond to threats of violence on school property.

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Thomas W. Fredericks, son of John Sr. and Catherine Fredericks, was born into a family of nine siblings who were put to work on their ranch alongside the little Missouri, located on the Fort Berthold Reservation.

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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has completed its environmental analysis on a proposal to drill oil wells on private land within the Fort Berthold Reservation near Lake Sakakawea.

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Barb DeTienne was selected as the Distinguished Service Award recipient for 2017 by the Mountrail County Ag Improvement Association.

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