New Town News - News

Four years ago, the New Town Rodeo grounds was overgrown with weeds and the grandstands and arena were falling apart.

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The Bakken Boom may have backed off but the need for housing in the region remains a top priority.

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MHA Nation Tribal Chairman Mark Fox was adamant. He does not want to put bar owners on the Fort Berthold Reservation out of business.

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Thing were a little crowded at MHA Tourism’s Earth Lodge Village west of Four Bears last week, but nobody minded.

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July 20, 2017

Building the future

Some of the fastest growing jobs of today didn’t even exist 30 years ago, such just about anything to do with the Internet.

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Another step in the long process of approving construction of the west leg of the truck reliever route around New Town has been completed. It will be available for public inspection and comment through August 18.

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There are some new faces on the New Town School Board after last month’s election. Mary Ellen Sun and Peter Young Bird replaced Doug Bratvold and Ed Danks on the board.

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There has been a change in ownership on Main Street in New Town. The New Town School District has purchased the Sunset Apartments and the adjoining Sunset Motel for $3.3 million.

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July 6, 2017

End of the bust?

The steep declines in sales and purchases in North Dakota may be leveling off, possibly signaling an end of the economic decline of the last two years.

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Who speaks for trees?, asked the title character in Dr. Suess’ book the Lorax.

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