New Town News - News

Many businesses that were closed under North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum’s executive order were allowed to reopen Friday with stringent operation limitations.

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Under new management

The New Town Marina has been looking for a new manager over the winter and found one who is a familiar face in the community.

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Tuesday North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum announced the rules for bars, restaurants, salons, tattoo parlors and other businesses to open under social distancing guidelines required to mitigate infections during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Sunshine, golf is medicine

With the weather providing the perfect environment recently for golfing, many local golfers were out enjoying the game and taking full advantage of the sunshine and warm conditions.

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The Recreation Center planned for Main Street in New Town is on hold. 

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Area banks working to stem virus crisis

The COVID-19 epidemic has struck small businesses and their employees hard.

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Your newspaper is coming to you a little differently this week, and for the coming weeks. The COVID-19 virus forced some changes in the delivery process.

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Schools plan for oil price pinch

The New Town School District has benefited over the last decade from revenue from leases and royalties on oil extracted from under Lake Sakakawea.

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Dr. Inglish: A war against the invisible enemy

In 2003, I was a young 21-year-old sergeant in an Infantry Unit out of Ft. Lewis, Wash. I served as a rifle team leader. We were sent to Iraq during the early part of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). 

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The Mountrail County Commissioners are asking everyone to take a few moments and self-respond to the 2020 Census.

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