New Town News - News

September 7, 2017

Go vote

The time is drawing near for residents of New Town to decide if they want a Home Rule Charter for the city and a city sales tax to fund a new fire station and the proposed swimming pool and splash pad near the Northern Lights Building.

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“When Vietnam Veterans tell their stories it opens doors,” said Bob Dambach, Director of Prairie Public Television.

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Rodeo is making a big comeback in the region. With cowboys pitting their strength and skill against 1,200 pound broncos and one ton bulls, it takes a lot of people to make sure both the people and the animals come through the events safely.

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Three people were injured and one person was killed in a rollover accident near White Earth. All the victims were from Tioga.

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It is another new year for students of New Town Public Schools and their parents. It’s also a time for new teachers to introduce themselves to the community and the New Town News is proud to give them the opportunity for the public to get to know them better.

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You may have noticed the equipment, workers and construction out by the Highway 8 and 23 intersections east of town. There is actually more to the project than it appears from this single project.

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The Moving Wall lives up to its name in more ways than one. The mundane reason for the name is that the panels bearing the names of service members killed in the Vietnam War are moved to whether an event is organized to display them.

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Among the flurry of cultural events surrounding the Little Shell Powwow were some substantive discussions about how the governments of the MHA Nation and the State of North Dakota could collaborate on issues ranging from water rights, taxes and law enforcement to addiction, historic sites and tourism.

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August 10, 2017

On the front lines

“I have been on the front lines,” said Dr. Monica Mayer. While she is a veteran of the armed forces, Mayer was speaking about her time as an emergency room doctor fighting to save the lives of those who had overdosed on drugs, or were injured by drunk drivers, or dealing with prescription drug addicts seeking a fix.

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The rains finally came, but it was too late for many producers in Sakakawea Country.

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