New Town News - News

The air in the New Town Civic Center was redolent with the aroma of cumin and hot oil as the New Town Chamber presented its Chili and Frybread Cookoff for the benefit of the New Town Volunteer Fire Department.

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Ghosts and Goblins will have many haunts to find this Halloween. Area communities have a number of activities planned for ghouls of all ages.

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“Silence hides violence” and the Three Affiliated Tribes Victims Services will not be silent.

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The Clothesline Project is near and dear to its administrator’s heart. Chastity Davidson leads her students and others into an arena that exposes the damage caused by Domestic Violence. She teaches a class on domestic violence at Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College.

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October 5, 2017

CTAP expands rail access

You may have seen the trucks around with CTAP logo on them and not known what the company does. CTAP is a company that transports supplies such as pipe and sand for the oil industry. The company has been located in New Town long enough to be currently expanding their operations east of New Town.

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If you haven’t stopped by Fresh Colors, Fades and Tanning Salon lately, you may not know about several new features its owner, Shylay Demaray has to offer.

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September 20, 2017

A big hit

Sonja Fox has gone far in her young boxing career. The Mandaree native is undefeated in seven pro boxing matches.

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Engine 451 that currently takes its place of honor at the east end of New Town Main Street deserves a second look. We drive by it every day, but there is much about it that most of us probably don’t know.

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Part one of a two part story Sitting in the parking lot of the New Town Civic Center, the Soo Line Locomotive No. 451 probably hasn’t seen this much attention since it was installed in its place of honor at the end of Main Street in New Town and later dedicated there in May of 1960.

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September 14, 2017

New Town ponders 2018 budget

The New Town City Council held a special meeting to evaluate and approve the city’s preliminary budget for 2018 and review and make adjustments in the its 2017 budget.

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