New Town News - News

February 15, 2018

Encouraging young minds

The New Town School District has worked hard over the last several years to make sure every student has a chance to graduate.

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The Bite the Ice Fishing Tournament has witnessed just about every kind of February weather imaginable over the last few years, from blizzards to shirtsleeve weather.

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It all started with two little kids playing together in the school yard in Van Hook where Inez and Casey Lee grew up.

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February 1, 2018

Loving lutefisk at Lakeside

You don’t have to be Norwegian to like lutefisk. That was evident at the recent lutefisk fundraiser at Lakeside Community Living Center.

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The New Town City Council was thinking about water bills and fire protection at its meetings in January.

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A part of its plan to create a comprehensive regional transportation plan, the Three Affiliated Tribes is studying the possibility of connecting the communities of the Fort Berthold Reservation by bridge.

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The roller coaster ride of the oil boom and subsequent bust have created a tough environment to start, sustain or sell a business on the Main Street of New Town or Parshall.

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January 18, 2018

Armoring up

Most of New Town’s police officers work their shifts alone, but Officer Darren Carter has a partner, K-9 Officer Delphi.

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For the first time since 2014, North Dakota saw taxable sales and purchases increase for two consecutive quarters, indicating that the state continues to climb out of the economic doldrums.

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For people who don’t take sub zero temperatures seriously, Aaron Hawkins, a paramedic with the New Town Ambulance suggests that taking precautions against the bitter cold is still a good idea.

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