New Town News - News

March came in like a lion and continues to roar, although most days have felt more like a lamb.

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A North Carolina man was arrested in New Town on drug charges after a shipping company notified the New Town Police Department about a suspicious package.

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A second grade teacher at Edwin Loe Elementary School died in a head on collision Saturday.

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New Town was the host to a national tournament last weekend as Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College hosted the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) National Basketball Tournament.

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While the North Shore shivered under waves of -20 and -30 degree weather in January, little did area residents realize that Old Man Winter was really waiting for it to warm up before slamming the region with a major winter storm.

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The New Town City council heard requests related to new projects around the community at its most recent regular meeting.

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March 1, 2018

License to thrill

Raymond Grotte collects automobile license plates. Lots of them. He has a collection that he estimates between 600 or 700 at the present time.

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February 22, 2018

Life of service recognized

Holly Mayer-Taft thought she was going to attend a meeting with some representatives from the Red Cross, so she was surprised to find the Three Affiliated Tribes Council Chamber was filled with her relatives and media last week.

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February 22, 2018

Joe is ready to roll

Joe Howard wants to make sure you get where you are going.

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February 15, 2018

Encouraging young minds

The New Town School District has worked hard over the last several years to make sure every student has a chance to graduate.

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