New Town News - News

North Dakota and the Three Affiliated Tribes have a long history in the sport of boxing.

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Even as the snow melts and reveals the litter and garbage that collected over the winter, local groups are busy making plans to clean up the city as soon as possible

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A community meeting will be held at the Northern Lights Community Center in New Town to unveil the design for the MHA Nation Interpretive Center.

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Mountrail County Sheriff Ken Halvorson has announced he will not stand for reelection this year.

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Kelsey Langham and her husband Jerry saw a need in the community for pet boarding and took action to fill that gap.

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A small group of local leaders and business owners is exploring the idea of making New Town a more livable community.

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Veterans of the Vietnam War shared with each other and their children and grandchildren at the Vietnam Memorial Day celebration at the Northern Lights Community Center in New Town, hosted by Fort Berthold Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9061.

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Francine White recently opened her new business venture, Escape Nutrition, out of some very personal reasons.

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New Town Police Department’s K9 officer Delphi has received a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from non-profit organization Vested Interest in K9s, Inc.

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March 29, 2018

The boom may be back

The question some were asking for the last two years was not when the economy of the Bakken was going to bounce back, but if it was going to bounce back.

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