New Town News - News

June 7, 2018

Ride’m Cowboy!

Blaine Foote likes to watch bucking broncos. That’s good because a record number of cowboys have signed up for this year’s Adrian Foote Memorial Rodeo to be held at the New Town Rodeo Grounds June 15 and 16.

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Summer may not officially arrive for a few more weeks, but it is summertime for the Earth Lodge Village operated by MHA Tourism.

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May 31, 2018

Learning to receive

Jessica Parizek finds herself in a personal spot that is foreign to her. It is not just that a raging fire took her home, boat, truck and precious dog.

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The New Town City Council backed off the stiff penalties against bars and liquor stores that sell alcohol to minors that it passed earlier this year.

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It has been a long road to hoe, but John De Groot finally got to move a shovelful of dirt to mark the start of the construction of a new Fire Hall for New Town.

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“It was the biggest attendance of airplanes we have ever had in our four years of holding the Fly-In,” said Mylo Wolding, President of the New Town Airport Board.

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The the US Air Force reported some lost explosive ordinance on a rural road near Parshall on May 1.

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May 10, 2018


Ron Hall has a family reasons for wanting to see a crossing across Charging Eagle Bay in the West Segment of the Fort Berthold Reservation.

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Sexual assault is never an easy subject to discuss. However, it is vital that education and advocacy for victims, their families and the community must always take place to combat the impact of those crimes.

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Delphine Baker hopes to see ground broken for the proposed MHA Nation Interpretive Center in the next six to eight weeks, but she said the physical building is just the first part of creating a place to explain and preserve the culture and history of the people of the Three Affiliated Tribes.

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