New Town News - News

Shifting state mandates had the New Town School Board doing some fancy financial footwork to preserve the amount of state aid it receives from the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction.

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Pro Rodeo will rock New Town

“This may be the most rodeo talent in one spot in North Dakota for decades.”

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Getting back to normal

It has been a weird spring across the Fort Berhold Reservation. With the COVID-19 epidemic canceling all spring sports and closing schools, community events and gatherings have been put on hold or canceled to slow the spread of the disease that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives elsewhere across the world. 

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The MHA-Nation has been planning and preparing proactively to fight the virus since February. Chairman Mark N. Fox says three tribal members who contracted coronavirus off the reservation also died off the reservation.

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The two seasons in North Dakota are said to be winter and road construction and winter is over.

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Mountrail Williams Electric invests in New Town’s future

New Town is going to get a little bigger and brighter, thanks to a multi-million dollar investment from Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative. 

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It is a big wide world out there, but the internet has made it a lot smaller. Even New Town is connected by wire (actually fiber optic cable) to nearly every spot on the globe.

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School is out!
May 21, 2020

School is out!

Teachers from Edwin Loe Elementary couldn’t do all the fun end-of-year activities they usually do with their students because of distance learning imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Senior Class of 2020 has given up a lot this year. From proms to the State Class B Basketball Tournament to class plays and concerts, many of milestones of the last year of high school were sacrificed to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Community comes through for first responders

While Subway restaurant manager Jon Van De Velde delivered 16 meals to the New Town Fire Department, he didn’t want any credit for the delivery.

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