New Town News - News

Honoring Elmer and Virginia (Schenfisch) Wolff It has been 73 years since President Harry S. Truman ended WWII, and as time pushes forward, the number of WWII veterans dwindles.

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Polls busy but turnout down in election

Election workers in New Town and Parshall said traffic at the New Town Civic Center was constant most of the day but turnout was either comparable or down from the general election in 2016.

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The first ever North Dakota Native Veterans Honor Flight to Washington DC has come and gone and over a hundred veterans are back home now.

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Lucky Seven
November 1, 2018

Lucky Seven

Eagles cross country dominance continues The seniors on the New Town Eagles Cross Country Team have never run on a team that wasn’t a state champion.

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Halloween Happenings
October 25, 2018

Halloween Happenings

Ghosts and Goblins will certainly have no problem finding places to be and things to do in our area on Halloween.

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October 25, 2018

Finding a way

The growth of New Town since the start of the Bakken Boom has been welcomed by many people, but growth has brought challenges for the city as it tries to cope with the fallout of more people.

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There was a time when fall was clearly signaled by the brilliance of orange and yellow leaves, raking them up and the perennial church supper held in almost every community.

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Rush participates in Minot Rodeo

Keaton Rush is confined to a wheelchair because of accident that happened when he was an infant. That doesn’t prevent the fourth grader from attending Edwin Loe Elementary and participating in a wide range of events.

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Making safer bikers
October 3, 2018

Making safer bikers

A Bike Safety Clinic for kids from five to 10 years old was part of the entertainment of the Client Appreciation Day at Reynolds Insurance Agency.

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Gone, but not forgotten: the buildings of Fort Berthold’s Catholic Mission. An impressive photograph, which has stood the test of time, shows the ornate buildings of the mission, which once stood in the now inundated city of Elbowoods.

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