New Town News - News

Opening the Gateway to Science

The New Town School gym was a flurry of science activity as students kicked off the Gateway to Science Project. Eager and hard working students focused on some aspect of their favorite science topics.

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Mandaree School is on a fast track

The Mandaree Warriors are going to have a new home in the fall of 2020 if all goes according to plan.

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We are moving into the fourth week of the government shutdown and it is likely people will want to know how it impacts our area. It is a mixed bag for us.

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Eagles fly high at MHA Science Fair

New Town Middle School students participated in the MHA Nation Science Fair on January 7.

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January 10, 2019

Lives washed away

Lake Sakakawea may be a summer destination for some, but for others, the water stands as an everlasting symbol — a symbol of life destroyed for those that lived in the Missouri River Valley prior to 1954.

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Dancers and drums greet the New Year

The dancing and traditional drum brought in the new year of 2019 in a very special way. The special event was the 2019 Midwinter New Year’s Powwow Celebration at the Northern Lights Wellness Center in New Town.

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We live in North Dakota and we know winter brings snow storms. This year is no exception.

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Happy New Year. That is a salutation we will be hearing often soon as many of us gather to ring in 2019.

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MHA to offer tribal license plates

The MHA Nation will soon begin offering tribal license plates to tribal members living on the For Berthold Reservation.

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Even though Santa has not come down the chimney yet, our area communities have taken the holiday as an opportunity to get together with each other and celebrate the season with food, festivities, song and generosity of gift and spirit.

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