New Town News - News

Warriors roll through Districts

Mandaree and White Shield were the favorites coming into the District 15 Boys Basketball Tournament held in White Shield.

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For 30 minutes and 40 seconds it looked like the Parshall Braves were headed to the North Dakota State Class B Girls Basketball Tournament.

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Never Forget
February 21, 2019

Never Forget

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women remembered.

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Trenton nearly trips in District 15

There was a clear division between the top and bottom teams in the District 15 Girls Basketball Tournament held at the 4 Bears Event Center this week.

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North Segment Staff attended Recovery Day at the North Dakota State Capitol on Monday, Feb. 4.

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Weather breaks favor Bite the Ice

The 2019 Bite the Ice at the Hook threaded the needle between bone-chilling below zero temperatures and 10 inches of snow and anglers who braved the ice were rewarded with one of the best tournaments results in recent memory.

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Twelve hundred youth are better off now than they were before. The Three Affiliated Tribes Diabetes Project has undertaken a rigorous schedule of diabetse screenings across the Fort Berthold Reservation and its schools.

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MHA leaders celebrate new beginnings

An appreciation ceremony for the MHA Nation from the recently-elected MHA Nation Tribal Business Council members last Saturday in the Four Bears Casino Ballroom.

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January 31, 2019

An exciting day

North Segment, city to work together for community development 2019 will be a year of changes in New Town if all the developments planned by North Segment and the City of New Town come to fruition.

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The New Town City Council is looking for ways it can find money for its partnership with North Segment to demolish the old Vo-Ag building on Main Street and redevelop it as a recreation center for the community.

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