New Town News - News

A doctor. Married. Three children. Outwardly happy. For Melanie Weiss, she checked all the boxes.

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White Shield surges
April 4, 2019

White Shield surges

What once could be dubbed a sleepy community south of Parshall is now anything but.

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In 2016, Benji Goodbird, Valerian Three Irons and several dozen riders rode the hundred miles from the Fort Buford Historical Site to the Earth Lodge Village in Four Bears Segment.

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Video students shine light on problems

The five Juniors from Mandaree High School look like typical students, but Bryce Fox, Azin Antonio, Miles Young Bear, Justin Garreau and Jasper Garreau have been making videos together since they were in eighth grade.

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Taking the plunge in a big way

More than $70,000 raised for cancer foundation Sometimes it gets a little too cold even for the hardiest of North Dakotans.

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March 21, 2019

Ready for spring

The New Town City Council is getting ready for spring as numerous construction projects will be starting or accelerating in the coming months.

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Recollecting the rough winter of 1948-49

Winters on the Upper Missouri can feel long and brutal, but comfort can be found in comparing the current weather with that of a time when conditions were much worse. The winter of 1948-1949 was one of these years.

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With a whole lot of hard work on her part, Jayli Fimbres, 26, is realizing her dream to speak Hidatsa, her native language.

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State, MHA Nation sign revised tax pact

With a stroke of their pens, MHA Nation Tribal Chairman Mark N. Fox and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum took a major step towards an historic achievement that changes how the MHA Nation tribes and the state share tax revenue from oil and gas production on both trust and fee lands.

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Healing Horse Ranch sponsors team roping event, plans on more fun-filled events to share the magic of the horse spirit

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