New Town News - News

Flipping for gymnastics

The sport of gymnastics is one that is near the top in developing mind and body. There are incredible feats that the ones who perform in front of a rapidly growing fan base across the world.

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Donovan White Owl, 34, of New Town, was charged in federal court this week with murder and arson. He charged with using gasoline to set fire to a house in Mandaree in early April.

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Exploring the Amazon – in New Town

First graders at Edwin Loe Elementary can talk about everything from Brazilian wandering spiders to tarsiers.

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Just as farm equipment was readied for the field, Mother Nature furiously pounded an extensive area of Northwestern North Dakota.

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Recreation Center could happen by 2020

The cooperative efforts of North Segment and the City of New Town to build a community recreation center took a step forward as the New Town City Council approved a contract to design the building as a first step towards advertising for construction bids.

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The resurgence of rodeo on Fort Berthold got a real boost last weekend with the inaugural rodeo of the newly formed Northern Badlands Indian Rodeo Association at the Healing Horse Ranch near Parshall.

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Residents of New Town and the surrounding area are invited to a public meeting to discuss the North Dakota Livable Community Program.

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Open for business
April 18, 2019

Open for business

Last fall, the Edgewater Country Club held a “Last Dance” as the historic building will be demolished this spring for the Highway 23 Bypass.

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Bringing gardens to the people

It seems like spring. The snow is melting and avid gardeners are gathering their seeds for planting. Nowhere is that more obvious than at Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College.

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With total enrollment hovering around 1,000 for the last few years, the New Town School District has been scrambling to find places to make sure all students have the best opportunity to learn.

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