New Town News - News

Area schools continue to be challenged to make the grade in the federal No Child Left Beyond program that calls for Adequate Yearly Progress.

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“It’s kind of a big deal,” Gary Hoffman said. As executive director of the North Dakota Dairy Coalition, Hoffman made little attempt to hide his excitement – the Parshall dairy has new owners.

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Royce Aslakson, the CEO of Reservation Telephone Cooperative, met with the New Town City Council last Wednesday to talk about three items including the application for federal stimulus money to bring broadband Internet to the Fort Berthold Reservation.

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Families of all graduating seniors in New Town assembled in the Northern Lights Community Center Sunday to see the day they thought would never come, and watched as the seniors grabbed their diplomas and threw their hats into the air, finally going on with their lives and onto bigger and better things.

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Nearly $6 million will be coming to the North Central Rural Water Consortium through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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There haven’t been a lot of days with favorable weather conditions to plant crops this spring,

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The New Town News won eight awards in advertising and editorial competition during the 123rd annual North Dakota Newspaper convention held May 8 in Bismarck.

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The Three Affiliated Tribes (TAT) Business Council met Sunday during a special meeting to

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Farmers, oil men and township supervisors attended a special Mountrail County Commission meeting Tuesday night in the New Town Civic Center to get answers on a road south of New Town that has deteriorated to a dangerous situation.

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Cesar Alvarez, a senior at New Town High School, has been accepted to study at prestigious Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

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