New Town News - News

New Town teachers, school board members and administrators now have to wait until the North Dakota Education Fact Finding Commission comes up with a report on salary impasse.

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Three New Town teenagers have earned spots in the 61st annual National High School Finals Rodeo to be held later this month in Farmington, N.M.

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New Town School Board members finalized a number of items this week during two meetings, including passing a budget and canvassing votes from a June 30 election. However, one of the most critical items is in seeking a second counselor for the high school.

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United Blood Services was in New Town Thursday afternoon for a blood drive that 16 people signed up to donate blood.

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Three Affiliated Tribes game warden Fred Poitra met with the New Town City Council last Wednesday to request financial cooperation with the city regarding the local animal shelter.

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They’re out there – lurking in the dark.

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Seventh and Eighth streets in New Town have turned into a muddy mess a couple of times in the past two weeks, but progress continues on getting the two north side streets paved this summer.

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It’s no secret that farming and ranching drives North Dakota’s economy, but what might surprise some people is that the number of farms is on the rise in the state despite a stagnant population.

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The New Town superintendent is unable to issue teacher contracts because the board and the teachers can’t agree on a pay schedule for the coming school year.

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Fort Union Trading Post will be hosting the first of their new cultural programs series and activities between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm the weekend of June 13th & 14th. The programs offered will highlight Hidatsa history, language and culture.

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