New Town News - News

March 26, 2010

A safer highway

More than two months after the speed limit was reduced 10 miles per hour on a stretch of N.D. Highway 23,

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For the first time since February 1982, the oil rig count drilling in North Dakota has surpassed 100 with more expected in the coming months.

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New Town’s drinking water supply is arguably among the best tasting water in North Dakota and now the North Dakota Department of Health has acknowledged it.

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March 12, 2010

Construction continues

Two separate New Town School District construction projects that have continued through the winter have seen some minor changes take place, but are expected to be completed on time.

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An increase of $8.3 million is expected to be coming to the Elbowoods Memorial Rural Healthcare facility when Congress approves President Obama’s fiscal 2011 budget later this year.

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March 5, 2010

Potash possibility

When most of us think about potash, we imagine an agricultural fertilizer mined in Canada.

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A New Town family involved in a custody quagmire is hoping public attention brings an end to a bitter dispute that has been going on more than eight months.

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Whether you agree with it or not, Mountrail County has wound up near the bottom in health rankings in North Dakota for 2010.

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An economics expert who has been studying farming since the early 1970s, is convinced that raising more foods locally will help energize local communities as well as the state of North Dakota.

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Wearing red can make a powerful statement and that is what Lilla Wells was hoping to accomplish Feb. 11 at the Northern Lights Community Center.

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