New Town News - News

A mission that normally takes trips to central and South America, is coming to the Fort Berthold Reservation in June to spruce up two nursing homes and carry out community projects.

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As environmental impact continues to expand with the oil industry, a local organization took its first step Monday in recording that impact as it intensifies on the Fort Berthold Reservation.

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April 23, 2010

Custody case stalls

A child custody case that has been plaguing two families and the tribal court system, doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon.

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April 16, 2010

Statistical miracle

Calving season is usually an exciting time of year on any ranch, but occasionally nature will provide a little extra incentive.

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Taxable sales and purchases increased in three of Mountrail County’s five principal communities with New Town leading the way in the fourth quarter of 2009.

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Scott Ruland isn’t sure if Marathon Oil Co., has done him a favor or not, but now that it’s done, he says every oil access road should look like the one that now meanders through his pasture.

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April 9, 2010

Swimming in fun

Three groups working to get the New Town swimming pool operational this summer are urging the community to turn out for a fund-raiser lunch on Saturday in the New Town Civic Center.

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New census estimates show that 20 of the 53 counties in North Dakota had population growth in 2009 with 15 of those counties being in the western part of the state.

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North Dakota is already being recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau as being one of the most efficient states in filling out census forms.

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March 26, 2010

Geothermal efficiency

In a word, efficiency is what New Town schools are getting now that geothermal heating and cooling systems are being installed.

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