New Town News - News

Both candidates for New Town mayor consider a housing shortage a major problem in

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It’s been almost three decades since the Little Eagle Walking Club began in New Tow

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Gov. John Hoeven Friday congratulated defense industry leader Northrop Grumman Corp.

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An accident last week on a Mountrail County oil rig site has claimed the life of a 33-year-old Jackson, Wyo., man.

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May 21, 2010

Off to China

University of North Dakota students Lee Rensch of New Town and Remington Zacher of Parshall traveled to China last weekend for the start of a six-week class entitled ‘Intro to Business in China.’

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It may be popular to bash the new federal healthcare bill, but ask rural North Dakotans if they like what the bill accomplishes and often as not, the answer is “Yes.”

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May 14, 2010

More in Mountrail

Taxable sales and purchases made a generous leap in Mountrail County in 2009 and three of the county’s communities showed significant increases in taxable sales and purchases.

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May 7, 2010

Auditor arrested

A New Town woman has been arrested on charges she embezzled more than $50,000 from the city of New Town.

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The New Town News continues to be a strong weekly newspaper in North Dakota as it picked up 14 awards Saturday at the North Dakota Newspaper Association convention held in Fargo.

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced that the public is welcome to use vehicles on the shoreline of seven designated areas around Lake Sakakawea.

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