New Town News - News

Politicians, members of the Three Affiliated Tribes and the general public joined together to ponder the future of the infrastructure of N.D. Highway 23 July 8 in New Town.

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It isn’t that the Association of Oil and Gas Producing Counties are denying that infrastructure issues exist in the oil patch,

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New crop varieties and production issues will be among the topics at the North Dakota State University North Central Research Extension Center’s annual field day near Minot on July 21.

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According to Dennis Heer of New Town, going to car shows is more about friendship and comaradarie than it is winning.

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July 2, 2010

Council hires auditor

During a special New Town City Council meeting held Monday, Kayla Burnette was named city auditor.

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If all goes as planned, there will be two street lights on New Town’s Main Street in 2012.

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Four legislators who live in oil-producing counties, have sent a letter to Gov. John Hoeven requesting a special session of the Legislature

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It’s disappointing, but not daunting.

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New Town schools are taking a hard line in the discipline area.

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Was it one vote that would have changed the outcome of the New Town School Board election?

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