January 25, 2017

Urlacher elected president of Grain Dealers Association

At its recent 105th annual convention, Gary Urlacher, Operations Manager at United Quality Cooperative in Parshall was elected President of the North Dakota Grain Dealers Association. Jeff Kittell, Grain Merchandiser at Border Ag & Energy, Russell, was elected First Vice President. Mark Hovland, General Manager at Fessenden Cooperative Association, Fessenden, was elected Second Vice President. Newly elected to the nine-man Board is Alex Richard, Grain Manager at Maple River Grain & Agronomy, LLC at Casselton. David Ramsey, Manager at Edinburg Farmers Elevator Company at Edinburg, was re-elected.
The convention included a trade show of 82 firms that provide products and services to the grain elevator industry. Registration for the meeting was more than 800 people. The next convention will be held in Fargo on January 14-16, 2018.

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