January 29, 2010

Tribes congratulate Dorgan for exemplary career of public service

Tribes congratulate Dorgan for exemplary career of public service
Not only has the Three Affiliated Tribes said it publicly, but United Tribes of North Dakota has gone on record to say all tribes will lose a true friend when Sen. Byron Dorgan leaves office at the end of this year.
Dorgan, D-N.D., who has been chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee the past three years, announced several weeks ago that he has served in Congress long enough and intends to pursue other interests when his term expires.
Dorgan, who is from Regent in Hettinger County, has spent a considerable amount of time in Washington, D.C., bringing attention to issues affecting Mandan Hidatsa & Arikara, Sioux, Chippewa and Metis people in North Dakota, as well as tribes all across the nation.
For that, North Dakota tribal leaders are grateful.
“On behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council and the people of the Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara I would like to extend my congratulations to North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan on an exemplary career of public service to the people of North Dakota and all American citizens,” said Chairman Marcus D. Levings of the Three Affiliated Tribes.

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