December 29, 2016

Residents cope with near record snow

By Edna Sailor
When Mother Nature whooped her blizzard on North Dakota this Christmas, area people were ready for it.
This is not the first time most people have encountered zero visibility, 50 mph winds and snow blowing sideways. If you choose to live in this climate, you have to be resilient and be able to adapt. 
Whether people live in the country or in one of our area home towns, most found a way to make the best of the dismal, life threatening conditions of the Christmas blizzard 2016.
It helped matters that driving was not a hazard on Christmas Eve. Many families took advantage of that calm before the storm and moved up or changed plans accordingly.
Joan and Ken Littlefield feel fortunate that they were able to travel to Minot to visit family members where they could enjoy food and celebrate together.
“We did not have any problems with our plans on Christmas Eve,” J. Littlefield said.
Christmas day was quite different for them. At their farm weather gradually worsened throughout the day.

The Weather Network