January 29, 2015

Railcar situation mixed for local elevators

By Edna Sailor

The first 2015 rail status reports on grain car backlog are out and show slight improvement for the delivery of railcars to local elevators.

Both Canadian Pacific and BSNF distributed reports requested by the Governor and required by the US Surface Transportation Board. In our region Canadian Pacific is the primary service provider to local elevators including New Town, Parshall, Plaza and Makoti.

In New Town Dakota Quality Grain Manager, Randy Froshaug, says that their luck is still holding out when it comes to getting grain out in a timely manner.

Froshaug looked out his window and commented, "We have a train sitting here right now. We have not had a lot of grain coming in, so the grain car shortage has not been much of a problem for us. We are starting to see grain come in now, but we still have room in the elevator and we are in good shape."

A similar situation is true at Dakota Quality Grain in Parshall according to Merchandising Manager Gary Erlacher,.

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