October 3, 2008

Pulbic able to stay in the know

Pulbic able to stay in the know

Starting this month, the Parshall Promoters are launching a monthly events calendar to keep the public informed of what is going on in town.

The Promoters will be printing its calendar and will include numerous items throughout the community including fundraisers, sporting events, piano recitals, school concerts and meetings of organizations.

According to Promoters spokesperson Cindy Williamson, copies of the calendars will be placed in businesses around the community for the public to view.

October will be the first month the calendar will be available, however, it may not be a complete listing of events in the community.

"We are going to try to get an October calendar up but, of course, it is kind of short notice and we will probably miss something but it will make people aware of it," Williamson said. "If anyone would like anything listed, they can send (email) the information to (events@parshallnd.com)."

Williamson added necessary information for the event to get listed includes a name, a place, and the time of the event.

Calling Williamson is also an option, however, the Promoters prefer that people use the email as it is a more efficient means of communication.

"We want to have something that can list all activities in one place and have it posted around town so people can be reminded," Williamson said. "Maybe it will help with communication of events in Parshall."

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