Protecting Parshall’s People
Councilman Mervin Packineau and core staff members met at the Parshall Lucky Mound Community Center’s elders room to plan strategies to protect the community from the coronavirus and how to keep providing services to the people of Northeast Segment. Personnel from Councilman Packineau’s office staff and Northeast Segment staff in Parshall meet regularly to share data, ideas and future developments. The meeting was a refresher on how to keep safe among staff with social distancing, hygeine and protective masks, along with all of the national health experts latest guidelines. More Northeast Segment workers will be brought back gradually from shelter in place if the virus cases do not have a significant spike. Currently 20 percent of the workforce considered essential staff are now at work. Packineau said there will be another care package distribution in the near future at the community center for Northeast Segment community members.
Photo by Logan Davis