March 21, 2019

Pool to parks?


By Jerry W. Kram
The Parshall City Council is considering turning over management of the city’s recreational facilities to the city Park Board.
Last year, the city took over management of the just-completed swimming pool and splash pad when the Park Board had hired lifeguards by April. Auditor Kelly Woessner said at the time that there were limited training classes available for lifeguards. Any delay would have meant the pool wouldn’t have opened until late June or July.
Since then, new members joined the Park Board after the June elections and the board was reorganized. Woessner said most of the lifeguards hired last year were coming back and won’t need to take the $300 classes.
“They are a very good bunch of kids,” she said.
Since the situation with the pool is stable, Mayor Kyle Christianson suggested it may be time to let the Park Board resume management of the pool. He noted that the bulk of operating money for the pool will still come from the city, but there isn’t any reason the city needs to be involved in the day to day operations.
“Let’s let the Park Board take over again,” Christianson said. “We will still have some oversight to make sure it is being operated properly.”

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