November 8, 2018

Polls busy but turnout down in election

By Jerry W. Kram
Election workers in New Town and Parshall said traffic at the New Town Civic Center was constant most of the day but turnout was either comparable or down from the general election in 2016.
The total number of votes cast in Mountrail County on Tuesday was just under 3,800, compared to about 4,100 cast in 2016, which was a presidential election. In 2014 just 2,400 voters turned out.
In the most watched race this election for the United States Senate seat, 764 votes were cast in Precinct 2 (New Town City), 524 in Precinct 3 (Parshall and surrounding townships) and 341 in Precinct 8 (rural New Town). In 2016, there were 801 voters in Precinct 2, 522 in Precinct 3 and 504 in Precinct 8.
Overall, Mountrail Country results reflected the statewide trends, with the majority of voters preferring Republican candidates. The one exception was the initiated measure to create and ethics commission for the state of North Dakota. That measure passed statewide with 53 percent of the vote. Mountrail County voters narrowly opposed the measure .

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