January 19, 2017

Patrons dissatified by U.S. Postal Service

By Edna Sailor
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. This motto has been thought of as the post office pledge for many years. Patrons in Plaza or Mandaree don’t think it carries much weight considering all the postal problems they are still experiencing in their communities.
Several community members commented for this story but asked that their names not be used.
Let’s get the snow storms and the blocked roads and blizzards out of the way first. Yes, mail can be delayed for all of those reasons. It always has and always will. Patrons understand that fact.
However, problems being experienced have little to do with weather. Problems cited by community members include staffing issues. Either no one is staffed at the post office or staff hours are unknown to patrons. Turnover in staff is another problem people are seeing.
“It seems like we get someone for awhile and as soon as they are trained, they are gone again,” one individual said.
Post office operation scheduling is another concern closely related to the staffing issue.

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