February 5, 2014

Parshall to revise city laws and regulations

By Jerry W. Kram

The Parshall City Council is considering revising the city’s laws and regulations to bring them into the modern age.

City Attorney Bill Woods told the council that he has been working to integrate the city’s 185 ordinances that have been passed over the years into the city’s code – which is basically the Parshall’s law book. However, he said the current code written in 1961 was seriously out of date and needs to be modernized before he can add the city’s newer ordinances.

"I think you may want to consider replacing the current city code with a model code and not have me rewrite the whole thing," Woods said. "There are many out there, including one by the North Dakota League of Cities, that we could tailor to our own community. I could rewrite the code to bring it up to date, but that would take a lot more time and money."

The council advised Woods to research the idea and bring his findings to the next regular council meeting.

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