March 7, 2013

Parshall to get its picture taken


Parshall to get its picture taken

By Jerry W. Kram
Parshall, are you ready for your closeup?
The Parshall City Council agreed to pay $15,800 for an aerial survey of the city this summer. City Engineer Darrell Casteel said the photography would cover four sections (four square miles) and would include all of the area the city annexed in 2012. The work will also include a topographic survey accurate to one foot.
“These will be some extremely detailed photographs,” Casteel said. “You will be able to pick out individual shingles on roofs and cracks in pavement.”
Casteel said the photos would be useful in zoning as well as finding areas of the city that need repairs. The cost of the photographs would be $3,800, which Casteel said was extremely reasonable for such an operation. The cost of the topographical survey is $3,000 per section, or $12,000 for the four sections being surveyed.

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