Parshall targeted for major development project
Parshall targeted for major development project
By Jerry W. Kram
Interim Editor
Parshall never got much attention outside of North Dakota before the oil boom. Recently, it has been the subject of a documentary and now a group of investors think it is a prime location to develop a group of new businesses.
Northstar Homes of North Dakota is the name of a company representing investors prepared to make a major investment on property near the City of Parshall on the east side of N.D. Highway 37. Northstar’s first project will be a 100 room extended-stay motel that is already accepting prebooked reservations for this winter.
“What this isn’t is a man camp,” said, Micheal Wells, a developer from Las Vegas is overseeing the project for the investors. “We want to provide good lodging. One fellow said on TV that going to a man camp is basically like going to a prison.”
Wells said the development would be build on the northwest corner of the intersection of N.D. Highways 23 and 37. He said he already has companies ready to lease 75 of the rooms.
“A lot of people have come up there and blown smoke,” Wells said. “I guarantee that this will happen. We plan on breaking ground in the next couple of weeks.”