June 18, 2010

Parshall school tackles $1.3 million building projects

Parshall school tackles $1.3 million building projects

By Jill Denning Gackle
Superintendent Steve Cascaden has added another hat to his head. This time a hard hat.
The phone rang last Thursday morning and Cascaden gave the go-ahead for the cement foundation to be poured for a three-plex that will be built on the school’s lot south of the football field.
That project is one of two major construction projects – valued at approximately $1.3 million and funded with no new taxes – that the Parshall School District has approved to take place during the next year.
The school board voted at the meeting June 9 to hire Dynamic Homes of Detroit, MN, to build housing for three teachers at a cost of $300,000. (The board met again June 11 to finish its full agenda that wasn’t completed on June 9.)
The new housing construction location has been used a few times a year for overflow football game parking.
“We realize that wasn’t what that space was designed for but land is hard to find at a reasonable price,” Cascaden said. “The school has bought houses over the years but we’re in need of three and housing is virtually nonexistent.”
That’s the first of two major building projects that are in the works.
The district plans to let and accept bids before the end of the month on a $1 million addition to the elementary school.

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