Parshall Long Ago
Parshall Long Ago
Editor’s note: This is the third in an ongoing series in the Mountrail County Record called Parshall Long Ago. Once a month in 2011, we will feature a person or event surrounding the community’s founding in 1914 to commemorate the Parshall Centennial coming up in 2014. Today’s article is reprinted from the 1964 book titled “Parshall, the City with a big Future.”
The symphony of hammers and saws can be heard night and day in Parshall. To say that this town is enjoying a healthy growth is but a maxim. Our citizens are not in a comotose condition on this Jan. 22, 1915, but are imbued with the spirit of the West, which caused them to keep alive and alert, and never overlooking for a chance to put in a word of praise for the little paradise of southern Mountrail.