December 4, 2009

Parshall City Council quorum spends $750,000 on water treatment facility

Parshall City Council quorum spends $750,000 on water treatment facility
Nearly $750,000 was spent by the Parshall City Council on Tuesday and two of the council members were absent from the meeting.
Shane Hart and Tom Huus voted to pay Schwartz Construction of New England $80,558 for its work on a road and intake to the city’s new water treatment plant that is approximately 18 miles southwest of Parshall in McLean County.
A remaining $1,200 on the Schwartz bill will be paid at a later date.
Immediately following that expenditure, a bill for $669,203.75 was paid to ICS Industrial Contract Services for their work on mobilization bonds and insurance for the new water treatement plant.
The total bill to ICS is $704,425 and like Schwartz, the remainder will be paid at a later date.
“Alright, we’re going to spend some money this morning,” said city engineer Cory Chorney, who has been working with the contracters at the water treatment site.
Chorney also told the council that plans for the plant have come in way under budget and we can thank modern technology for that.
Advanced Engineering Systems recently purchased three-dimensional software for is computer systems and Parshall’s water plant was the first project Chorney has done in 3-D.
He said it is far more efficient and saves a lot of labor. Thus, the city will see a $250,000 savings on that bill.

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