February 26, 2015

Parshall Board seeks ideas for the city park

By Edna Sailor

A plan developed in 1986 for a city park is the basis for two new concepts that address the recreational and activity needs of the community in Parshall. Two concepts created by Ulteig Engineering were presented at an informational meeting at City Hall Tuesday evening. Park Board President, Carol Hall, emphasized that the meeting was part of a process to get suggestions from the public.

"We need to know what the community wants," she said.

The process includes park element surveys that were distributed to the public several weeks ago. A proposed park outline is also available for people to add their own features and element suggestions to the overall concepts. City staff are collecting the data, which will be turned over to Ulteig Architects after the due date on March 6. The information is vital to develop a Master Plan in order to apply for grants to assist financing of the park according to Park Board members.

AJ Delzer, a Landscape Architect for Ulteig developed the two concepts presented to community members.

"The two concepts give community members a starting point to add their own elements that can be adapted to the community. The proposed parks offer similar elements with differences in designated activity destinations within the park. The proposed park concepts are both very nature and activity oriented," Delzer said.

The first concept has a formal park entry feature with parking in close proximity to an amphitheater, new playground area and picnic shelters for easy access when needed. From that site there is easy access to nature trails that could have interpretive sites, bird houses and viewing or an arboretum for example.

"It was suggested that there could be some raised gardens for Native American plantings and some informational signage about them as well," Delzer stated.

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