November 14, 2019

Packineau Lane annexation moves forward

Packineau Lane annexation moves forward

By Logan J Davis
The Mountrail County Commission voted 5-0 in favor of annexation of a part of a section to the Parshall school district after testimony was heard at the county courthouse in Stanley last week.
There were officials from both the Parshall schools and New Town schools in attendance as well as a representative of Northeast Segment and parents of Parshall students in the area.
The parcel of land that will be moved from the New Town school district to the Parshall school district is situated very close to Parshall. Most of the students who live there currently attend Parshall schools. There are 30 students in that area who attend Parshall schools and there are 8 who attend New Town schools. A valid petition with resident signatures with a 70% majority of residents who live in the area to be annexed was filed previously with the commission. That petition made the vote by the Mountrail County Commission necessary in the special meeting.
Alice Harwood has been working diligently on the annexation process for some time. Harwood was representing the Northeast Segment and she provided important testimony at the hearings. Harwood was pleased with the unanimous vote of the county commissioners after she and others gave reasons for the petition for the annexation.

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