December 27, 2012

Oil cleanup near Van Hook continues

Oil cleanup near Van Hook continues

Cleanup continues on an oil well blowout near Van Hook Dec. 12. About 33,600 gallons of oil and 16,800 gallons of brine or saltwater are being cleaned up, according to Dennis Fewless, director of water quality for the North Dakota Health Department.
“They are in the process of cleaning up the snow and putting it in devices to melt the snow and separate out the water and oil,” he said.
Slawson Exploration, the owner of the well, is working with state and federal agencies to monitor cleanup efforts.
Fewless said cleanup efforts involve the vegetation, snow and any contaminated areas. He said there are samples in the state’s lab awaiting analysis. He said hay filters have been constructed in drainage areas in anticipation of a possible January thaw.

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