December 26, 2019

Moving Day

Moving Day

By Jerry W. Kram
A steady stream of students and staff made the move from the existing Parshall High School to the new high school much smoother than expected, said Superintendent Shane Sagert.
“The students and staff really stepped up,” Sagert said. “They worked really hard. They’ve been packing. They’ve been hauling stuff over. They’ve been unpacking. I applaud them for all their efforts.”
Sagert said 68 students helped out on the first day of the move on Thursday and 50 were there Friday.
“They worked really are and barely took any breaks,” Sager said. “They got everything moved that the teachers asked of them. I’d like to shake every one of their hands because of the job they’ve done. They’ve done practically anything that’s been asked of them.”
Community volunteers also showed up to help move and install many of the larger items.

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