February 21, 2013

MHA Nation seeks to challenge census numbers

MHA Nation seeks to challenge census numbers
By Glenda Baker Embry, Tribal Public Information Officer
Indian Tribes have long believed the United States Census conducted every ten years by the U.S. Department of Commerce doesn’t produce an accurate count of Native American people.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) uses census numbers in their funding formulas to provide housing assistance funds to federally recognized tribes through the Indian Housing Block Grant. Since the Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes (MHA Nation) believes the 2010 census on the reservation is low due to inaccurate reporting or undercounting they issued a Census Challenge that HUD’s Office of Native American Programs allows. Under HUD’s rules, the Tribe has until March 30 to complete the Census Challenge.
Beginning this month and through March 30 the Tribe will conduct a Census Challenge throughout the reservation. The Business Council hired Bubar & Hall Consulting, LLC of Fort Collins, Colorado to manage the Census Challenge and provide the Tribe and HUD with accurate information to use when determining the tribes share of the Indian Housing Block Grant funds. In addition to increasing the amount of housing assistance, the updated census numbers will be used to determine the percentage of federal dollars the Tribe will receive from road construction and other grant funding sources. This effort also represents an important step in the Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation’s assertion of sovereignty through managing and verifying their own vital statistics according to a statement from Ron Hall, from Bubar & Hall Consulting, LLC.

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