August 9, 2018

Literacy plan will include the entire community

By Jerry W. Kram
As Parshall School District prepares to begin a new school year, administrators and teachers are preparing to change the way students are prepared for a lifetime of literacy and learning.
This month, the Parshall Schools was informed that it has won a three year, $706,000 grant to encourage lifelong literacy and reading skills, said school superintendent Beth Schwarz. The Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant (SRCL, pronounced “circle”) grant is part of North Dakota’s comprehensive literacy program. It seeks to develop partnerships between schools and community partners to develop lifelong literacy skills of youth from birth to high school graduation.
“We scored extremely well, getting 102.33 points out of 105,” Schwarz said. “So our grant was very well received. The grant is for more than $700,000 and the way the conditions are written, I believe there is a possibility of getting some additional funds if we can provide some additional research for some of the things we want to do.”

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