August 27, 2015

Lewis and Clark Elementary begin the school year in "tight" quarters

By Edna Sailor

Todd Lee, Principal at Lewis and Clark Elementary school is looking forward to a good school year.

"Obviously with our construction we have had to make some sacrifices and our space will be very tight for the school year, but we have our faculty in place and enrollment is up about fifteen students at this point," Lee said. "Our faculty has been great about moving some things around and rescheduling some things, so we already know it can work for us."

One little fellow who will not have to worry about space is Charlie the Russian Tortoise. He is one of three pets located in the second grade classroom. Charlie gets a lot of attention from students as they take care of him. The other two pets are fish in a nearby aquarium.

Second grader, Violet Braaflat, was on deck the day before school started with her Mom, Kindergarten teacher, Heather Braaflat, and little sister, Gracie tagged along to help as well. For these children, getting ready for this school is a family affair. Violet was excited about showing off a prize pet in the corner of the second grade room. Children are given extra duty when it comes to Charlie.

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