October 23, 2009

Levings named regional vice president of National Congress of American Indians

Levings named regional vice president of National Congress of American Indians
Chairman Marcus Levings of the Three Affiliated Tribes was elected by tribal leaders from across the Great Plains Wednesday to serve as the regional vice president of the National Congress of American Indians and Dr. David Gipp, president of the United Tribes Technical College in Bismarck, was elected to serve as the Great Plains Region alternate to Levings.
The elections were part of the NCAI full conference that took place last week in Palm Springs, Calif.
The Three Affiliated Tribes, along with tribes from across North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska are members of the Great Plains Regional Caucus. A total of 12 regions from across the United States are represented on the NCAI Executive Council. The (12) regional vice presidents will also have the opportunity to partake in executive committee meetings along with the NCAI president, the first vice-president, the treasurer, and the recording secretary.
“I’m honored to be called on for the Great Plains and I’ll do the best I can to work for all of our tribes needs reigniting the needs of the Midwest, Great Plains region, and in particular large-land based tribes,” said Levings. “We’re all in this together as tribal governments and as First Americans – we will continue our positive relationships with the White House and Congress to ensure they hear the needs of our tribes.”
Levings recognized former Chairman Ron His Horse is Thunder of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe as the outgoing Great Plains vice president and Robert Moore as the Great Plains alternate from the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in Mission, S.D.

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