August 14, 2009

KLJ seeking community input

KLJ seeking community input
Now that Jim Quirk has spent time in Parshall gathering data for a community betterment project, he wants more opinions and is seeking those of the community at large.
Quirk, an engineer with Kadrmas Lee and Jackson in Bismarck, put together his ideas of what Parshall should look like in the future. However, he wants more ideas in order to shape Parshall’s path.
Quirk said he would like interested community members to attend a meeting Wednesday night at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Hall to discuss ideas of how they think Parshall should grow.
“For those interested in coming, just take a minute and imagine Parshall in the future,” Quirk said. “What do they see, hear, feel about a future Parshall, North Dakota.”
Quirk said this is important because members of the community most likely know what they want and can “see” it more vididly than a neutral engineer might.

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