August 11, 2016

It’s back(pack) to school time

By Edna Sailor
There were Batman, Frozen, Ninja Turtles, Superman, Cinderella, Nemo and more.
There were so many choices on backpack day in Parshall. Children and parents streamed into the high school for the better part of an hour until nearly all of the backpacks were chosen. Some kids tried them on for a quick fit. Some were quickly taken to Mom or Dad to have a look. Pockets were zipped and unzipped. The younger set struggled to figure out just how it was suppose to go on. But mostly there were lots of smiles all around.
It was the Three Affiliated Tribes Education Department backpack distribution to school children. This is the fifth year of the program. Back packs are given to pre-school through college students. Damon Brady, MHA Chief Education Administrator is pleased with its growth over the years.

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