January 31, 2013

From New Town To DC

From New Town To DC

By Jerry W. Kram
Each state and territory of the United States was represented in the parade that marked the second inauguration of President Barack Obama. North Dakota was represented by the Tribes of North Dakota. The members of the All Chiefs Society of Fort Berthold Community College were selected to take part and represent the Three Affiliated Tribes.
Thomasina Mandan is the faculty adviser for the Society. She said 2,800 groups applied to participate in the parade and only 55 were selected. She said the invitation came out of the blue and took a mad dash to get organized.
“We were given two days to get organized,” Mandan said. “It was the day before New Years Eve. The college was closed for the holiday break, so I had to call around and use Facebook and email to find people. I was successful in getting 12 people who submitted our paperwork.”
People in the parade had to submit their personal information and a photograph to the Secret Service for a background check. Mandan said the deadline for getting that information to Washington was 11 p.m., New Town time.

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