January 9, 2014

Countdown to 100 is on: Parshall Centennial Updates

by Cindy Williamson,

Board Treasurer

The countdown is on. June will be here before we know it and though there is still a lot to do and we are not ready.... I, for one, am definitely looking forward to some warmer temps! While we are asking, how about some sun for the big celebration? Notice I did not say no rain as I am still a farmer!

The big news this month is the final mailing will go out the last week of January. Our database has grown some to include the alumni, PO Boxes in Parshall and those who have requested to be on the list. We will try to get info out to everybody because while this is a great time for Parshall High School alumni to get back in touch it is more than that. It is celebrating 100 years of this community! So, again, if you want to be added to our list please let us know. Contact info is below.

A huge "thank you" goes out to everyone who has helped to this point in the planning! Just to refresh everyone’s memory our Centennial Board members are Jeanette Hoff, Chair; Denese Westgard, Vice Chair; Roger Christenson, Secretary; Marilyn Hudson, Director: and myself, Cindy Williamson, as Treasurer. These people and many others including Calvin Myers, Jean Hendrickson, Brooke Locken, Kim Sanderson, Karen Onstad, Sharon Schenfisch, Carol Zacher, Dave Lindee, Ellin Lindee, Rob Blatherwick, Joyce Waldock, Wade Williamson, Karen Jorgenson, Sharon Andes have done hours and hours of work.

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