May 4, 2012

Construction season starts in Parshall

Construction season starts in Parshall
By Jerry W. Kram
Like the mosquitoes, warmer weather brings the sounds of heavy equipment to the North Dakota countryside.
The first signs of the major construction projects that have been planned for Parshall became evident when a section of Main Street was milled in front of the High School in anticipation of replacing water as sewer lines serving most of the city.
Jasper Klein, with AE2S, outlined for the city council the projects that will be taking place this summer around the community. The first phase of the projects will start in May, and will involve all of Fourth St. W from Railroad Avenue to Seventh Ave., Seventh Ave. from Fourth St. to Main St. and Main St. to Fourth Ave. N. (one block south of the High School). The project will also include the westernmost block of First Ave. through Fifth Ave. Curb and gutter will be replaced where needed.
The second phase of the project will start in June and will replace the sewer and water lines on First Ave. South from Fourth St. to Highway 37 and Second St. from First Ave. S to Third Ave. N. A block of Third Ave. SE south of the elementary school will also be replaced.
Both phases of the project should continue until late October or November.

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