Community groups work together to bring Santa Claus to town
Community groups work together to bring Santa Claus to town
Several civic-minded groups got together this year to make sure that Santa Claus would return to Parshall for a 2009 encore. And that he did with plenty of fanfare and games and goodies for all the children who turned out.
Led by the Northeast Segment Community Board, the Parshall Promoters, the Boys and Girls Club, the Native Youth Council and the Parshall boys basketball team all worked together to make Saturday a memorable one for young children in the community.
It is estimated that more than 100 children attended the festivities on Saturday afternoon in the Parshall City Hall accompanied by about 50 adults, according to Karen Stevens, of the Northeast Segment Community Board.
“It worked out very well,” Stevens said. “We wanted to make it a fun Santa Day and we did.”
The afternoon began with a children’s movie on big screen TV followed by a carnival that was manned by the 2009 Braves boys basketball team. The carnival included a cake walk, a duck pond, a hand toss, Guitar Hero and other games for the kids. Prizes were awarded at each booth.